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The Competition

Competitors will speak for 5 - 7 minutes on one of the following topics:


1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being implemented in many different applications:

How do you see AI being integrated into the agriculture industry today and in the future?

2. Canadian Agricultural exports have consistently ranked in the Top 10 in the world. How can Canadian agriculture continue to be competitive & relevant in an age of increased protectionism and globalization?

3. What lessons have been learned in Canadian agriculture in the past 25 years and how has the industry benefitted?

4. Myths about Canadian Agriculture: How can we challenge a common myth and better inform consumers about the ‘real facts’?

5. Hands on Agriculture: Should agriculture be taught in schools and why?


Senior Competition (16 – 24)


Preliminary Cash Bursaries at Olds and Calgary Prelims:
1st - 5th Place: $200
6th – 10th Place: $100


Senior Finals Prize Bursaries:

1st Place: $2000
2nd Place: $1500
3rd Place: $1000

3 Honorable Mentions: $500/person

Junior Competition (11-15)


Preliminary Cash Bursaries at Olds and Calgary Prelims:
1st - 5th Place: $150
6th – 10th Place: $100


Junior Finals Prize Bursaries:

1st Place: $1,000
2nd Place: $750
3rd Place: $450

3 Honorable Mentions: $150/person


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